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Introducing Fire Door Inspection Services

FBH offers Fire Door Assembly Inspections. Certified by DHI, our FDAI trained and  knowledgeable fire door inspector provides you with written documentation on your fire doors, which can be used as proper documentation  for AHJ's and serve as permanent records for ...

School Lockdown Panic Device

School lockdown door security device creates a barricade from the outside, but allows free egress from the inside. These Von Duprin exit device lockdown upgrades maintain code compliance for ADA codes, NFPA codes, and Life Safety codes, thereby protecting occupants from common security and safety hazards in schools and allowing for lockdown in the case of an active shooter.

Health Care Facility Fire Door Inspections

The Department of Health and Human Services Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services issued a Memorandum on July 28, 2017 to all State Survey Agency Directors  specifically addressing the fire door inspection requirements which changed with the adoption of  the 2012...